Monday, February 9, 2015

Pain(t) Week

I feel sort of like a war correspondent, feverishly writing a hasty article while hunkered down in my shabby bunker with debris and destruction all around me.

My house is a war zone this week.

We needed a break from school. Like, desperately. And things needed painted. Also desperately. So, I decided that instead of trying to spread out my jobs over a sensible period of time, I'm going to throw the house into chaos and do as many of them as I can this week. There are so many little things that need finishing up. So many painting jobs that are *almost* done. So many test colors on various walls that have been there for over year. It's beyond time to deal.

Here are the list of things, in random order, that I'd like to do. I'm not going to try to kill myself to get through the list, but I do want to wrap up as many as I can.

Paint the hallway ceiling, walls and doors to match the rest of the updated white.
Paint the cabinets and fix up the countertops in the kitchen.
Caulk all the things.
Touch up the bathroom paint and put up trim and baseboards.
Paint the master ceiling, walls, and floor.
Touch up paint where Homegirl has posted artwork.
Paint Homegirl's headboard that I've had in the basement for eons.
Raise the curtains in the living room.
Hang curtains in the kids' rooms.

That should set me up for some future updates, like a total master redo and some freshening up in the kids' rooms. I know this list is ambitious, especially for me. But onward I go.

I'm trying to remember to take pictures of the befores, durings, and afters. There WILL be afters, so help me!

I think my first coat is dry now. Back to the grind.

1 comment:

  1. Woot! Can't wait to see!!!!!! Sometime a person just gets to the point where you feel like enough is enough. I like that I'm not the only person to leave projects chilling.
