Thursday, August 16, 2012

I'm still here! Promise! Just not HERE here.

Don't hate me because I never post.

Regardless of the fact that I have been silent on this blog for over a month, I have been busy, and I do have posts coming up.

Most of them will probably regard cleaning, since that's what I'm doing right now. But there will also be some pleasant before and after pictures, if I remember to take them before. That's always hard for me.

I've got several mini projects going on, two big ones, and I'm getting organized for school. Hopefully, there will be a delightful trip to Ikea coming soon as well, since Craigslist has not been helpful in the area of furnishing the homeschool room. I just love Ikea.

In the meantime, I encourage you to check out the blogs I love that are listed to the side of the screen. They are way more inspiring than I am, and they'll probably be boomin' since most of their kids are going back to school right now and they have 8 delicious hours to DIY---well, much less after laundry, but still. If I had to pick favorites, which is hard because so many of them are filled with beautiful goodness, I'd probably go with Nesting Place as top pick. I love her design sense and color schemes, but I also love that she's an easy to relate to, godly woman who writes about contentment as well as decorating. And check out her Compassion trip to Africa. So inspiring. If I could copy and paste files from a blog to my house, I'd probably take everything right out of The Lettered Cottage--especially their bedroom. Love it. And when I need a good organizational kick in the pants (like, always) I check out IHeart Organizing. Her house tour is impressive. What I love most about these bloggers is that they take real houses that normal people live in and make them unique and personal. That's what I aspire to. Not a huge, freshly built mansion, but the ability to take the same house that everybody else has and make it my own. Working on that.

And, of course, there's always Pinterest. That's where I am half the time.

Be back soon!