Tuesday, May 28, 2019

A Farewell

I've been quiet the last four years on this blog, because we were too busy doing to write about it. But earlier this year, the time came to say goodbye to our beloved little Practice House. It sold in four days, for more than I would ever have imagined back when I started this blog. All those years of frustration and improvising culminated in a home we were truly proud of and ready to pass on to the next person who needed it. Plus, it's where we honed our skills that have given us confidence to tackle our "new" house, which needed basically total renovation when we found it.

Thank you, Practice House. I honestly miss you a little bit, even though we love where we are now. I miss my bedroom and that beautiful bathroom. I miss our neighbors. And I miss living in a house that was completely done for one hot minute. ;)

Here are the photos we took for the listing.